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Planets and Solar System:

(page 2)


Asteroid #16 Pysche 1 minute at F10, at time 0, +60m, +120m

This pictures taken on 10/7/99 demonstrates how easy it is to follow an asteroid's movement across the sky with a CCD camera.  This picture is a composite of three pictures... The second and third pictures captured the asteroid's location one and two hours after the first shot was taken.  It's visual magnitude is about 10.6, and is located about 2.64 times further out than the Earth.  As of 1/1/2000 it is 2.5 times further out than the Earth, and is magnitude 11.2

Ast16Pysche_1m+0+60+120m.jpg (6380 bytes)



Comet 37 P-Forbes 15 minutes at F10

This picture shows a very faint comet around 9/12/99 at a point in it's orbit that is 1.97 times further away from the sun than the Earth is.  The visual magnitude of the comet at this time was 14.0  Note that bloom spikes from bright stars nearby that occurred while capturing the very faint comet.  See the "Pictures" page for an explanation of these spikes.   As of 1/1/2000 the comet is magnitude 17.6, and is 2.6 times farther away from the sun than the Earth.

37P-Forbes_15m_nf.jpg (31610 bytes)


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