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Jupiter 0.2 seconds at F10, red filter
This particular picture has not been enhanced to show the moons at the same time as the Jupiter picture. This picture will be replaced with a new shot of Jupiter in the near future.
Saturn 0.2 second exposure at F10 cropped, red filter
Note the Cassini division in the ring (the gap in the middle of the ring) that is visible even in this small, cropped picture. This picture will be replaced with a new shot of Saturn in the near future.
Moon 65% full, 0.11 Seconds at F10, Neutral Density filter
The moon has an apparent size of 30 arc minutes, requiring many CCD pictures to cover it's entire surface. This shot shows mostly a fully lit section, with a bit of the terminator line visible to the right.
Moon 65% full, 0.11 Seconds at F10, Neutral Density filter
This shot shows the darkened edge of the moon, near the terminator line as the moon fades from full moon to new moon over several weeks.
Copyright © Blueberry Pond Observatory, 1999. All rights